Rain on your wedding day?

Rain is supposed to be good luck and a symbol of a strong marriage ahead but why? You may be familiar with the phrase “tying the knot,” but do you know how it came about?

“Tying the knot” comes from the handfasting ceremony, a practice that binds couples together by tying knots of cloth around their hands. This ceremony represents two becoming one. Handfasting ceremonies originated in Scotland. This ancient Celtic practice dates back to the medieval era, but over time, handfasting became part of the engagement period. It was a ritual used to strengthen the bond of the soon-to-be-wedded couple before the official ceremony. Because a wet knot is harder to untie than a dry one, rain on your wedding day is a sign of good things ahead.

I get it, rain on your wedding day can be a downer, but I have some good news! Shooting in overcast conditions makes for better wedding photos. Overcast defuses the light. So when shooting photographers don’t have to worry about harsh light or you getting panda eyes (The dark shadows under your eyes). I like to think of it as a soft filter over the sun.


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